Since the introduction of Apple’s iPhone in 2007, Microsoft’s former strong position in the Smartphone market has crumbled. Business users have turned to new features provided by RIM, while casual users regard the last Windows Mobile Operating System too difficult to handle and turned to the easier-to-use iPhone. Microsoft’s only response to the changing market environment was to pursue incremental updates of their Windows Mobile platform, which many sources considered an uttermost failure without any real new features. While the user interface changed to mirror the designs of the iPhone, the quality of the work was doubtful.
With this in mind, Microsoft plans to introduce the Windows Phone 7, a radical new development of the Windows Mobile platform, with introductions of a new User Interface, full incorporation of mobile gaming and many more features. This new OS is considered as Microsoft’s last stand in the smartphone industry.
In this blog, we address the issue of how Microsoft is going to win back former customers, gain new ones, and which strategies can be utilized to gain a major share in the Smartphone market again, despite the tough competition by RIM and Apple.
PCWorld, "Windows Mobile 6.5 Arrives, Mostly disappoints", Oct 6, 2009,
Engadget, "Windows Phone 7: the complete guide", Mar 18, 2010,